Not much to speak of in terms of losses this week. Instead, it’s all about gains – but, fear not, it’s all good.

Gain number one: a new belt.

Getting fit and losing weight is all well and good but now my clothes are too big for me. A whole new wardrobe is out of the question in these tough economic times but I did have to do something about my trousers falling down as I ran for the bus!

On the flipside, I can now fit into other clothes that haven’t seen the light of day for years, so I can’t complain too much.

Gain number two: cheekbones.

Unbelievable! I didn’t even know I had them but, apparently, all I needed was to lose a bit of weight off my face. I’m expecting a phone call any day now about launching my career as a super model.

So the dieting is still going well and, actually, I’m amazed at how well I’ve maintained my discipline throughout this process - although, it is proving difficult to stay off the alcohol when we keep getting the beer question right at our weekly pub quiz!

I’m still enjoying my BoxLondon sessions, too. I’ve reached the stage where all the basics I had so much trouble remembering at the start are becoming second nature, and I can concentrate on putting them all together for something that resembles sparring.

I still get hit more often than I land punches on my opponents, but I’m getting there – slowly.

One thing I haven’t mastered – and I’m not sure I ever will – is the proper boxer’s skipping style. While everyone around me comfortably hops from foot to foot, barely raising a sweat, I’m more like a drunk kangaroo caught up in a fence.

The fitness regime goes on, but I think my boxing career will have to remain on hold until I can master this very important discipline.

Weight loss so far: 1 stone