These are the first glimpses of a dream home which would help keep together some of the borough’s most vulnerable people.

The Kingston Guardian is backing a charity appeal by Fircroft Trust to raise £1m towards a brand new home for people with learning disabilities on the site of the derelict White Hart pub in Hook.

At the moment, despite their warmth and family feel, some of the current old-fashioned buildings have steep staircases, no lifts and are totally unsuitable for people with physical disabilities.

Some of the 20 residents in the charity’s four homes can just about get away with clambering up the stairs, but as they get older things will change.

Richard Weir, who is manager of Fircroft’s residential homes, said: "The buildings we have now are becoming rapidly unsuitable but the new building will allow people who have been together for a long time to stay together.

"The way this building is being designed is going to suit people’s needs for the future as they get older.

"If we don’t have this, people will have to be seperated and they don’t want that."

In the new building rooms and doors will be wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs.

There will be a lift for anybody that does live above the ground floor and electronic hoists will help people get in and out of bed if they need them.

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