It is usually around this time of year that I receive a sudden upsurge in my volume of clients.

Aside from the fact that people generally tend to have more money towards the beginning of February, it is also around this time that many people realise that they actually need a helping hand with making those New Year’s resolutions stick.

This could be anything from stopping smoking, to losing weight, to overcoming a fear of phobia that has been holding them back.

One way to do this is through the use of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy can offer you that helping hand by harnessing the natural power of your unconscious mind to help you to achieve and to maintain your goals or resolutions.

Hypnotherapy is often portrayed in the media as some sort of Mind magic.

This is a notion that is frequently exploited by celebrity hypnotists such as Derren Brown and Paul McKenna in order to increase the mystic surrounding hypnosis.

In actual fact, hypnosis is an entirely safe state of mind and one that we frequently inhabit throughout the day without necessarily realising it.

Daydreaming, driving the car without remembering the last few miles of the journey and being “in the zone” in sporting activities, are all classic examples of when we are using our unconscious mind to help us achieve our goals.