This article is not designed to be some dumb founded blogtastrify which explains my deep struggles, all entitled under some innocent utterance of a story explaining my life. The terrible scales into which celebrity culture demands that amongst the star studied ear rings, the extravagant dinner evenings and the tortured soul of some loved entertainer, singer or dancer, has to convince themselves that money does not bring happiness (or indeed a house these days) but instead a burden which sets down upon them. The story of my life would be so utterly boring, even for myself to comprehend, if it matched up to the cliché limelight of celebrity success and then deep, dastardly, desert less, depression which haunts so many well known figures.

University is of course the focus for many teenagers my age and certainly the path which seems ideal for me. It’s about trading 3 or 4 years of your life to gain experience outside of your home, discovering who you really are and continuing education to a career path of your choice. Everybody is different in so many glorious ways – different skills, personalities and paths for their lives. This is not to say university is the only answer in path way to find achievement in your life. A few boys decide to leave school and find joys in life other than continuing in the repetitive system of education. One boy certainly who gains that criteria is my friend Ben Hamilton, a very good writer, who has recently started his only little interweb paradise spot ( .

My planned travels for my life are to go to university and study Public Relations. Public Relations is a rather difficult subject to explain without shouts of disapproval of others simply because it is such a varied subject. The skills it does provide are knowledge of communication, how to write, ethical understanding of business, understanding of technology. Really it is such a varied subject that acts a wildcard in the game of life which hopefully can be twisted to my advantage.

One path I would like to follow is one of a writer. I would love to have something published, recognized in the future, simply because I love writing. I want to see my book on the shelve, an article in a newspaper (hint, hint, Guardian!) or my work in a magazine. A poem in a pamphlet or my book in a bedroom! This is not down to arrogant satisfaction but simply the ideal way (at least in my mind) to praise my hard learnt talents and to communicate to the outside world. There is far more to life than fulfilling selfish satisfaction but writing can be my mix of possibly giving pleasure to others as well as to myself.

But here is the but, and it is a rather large promiscuous but; I do not want to leave education. I know it may sound silly but I actually enjoy sitting down and learning about the standardisation of the English Language. I enjoy reading what the great thinkers in philosophy have reasoned, I enjoy knowing how people define what is right and wrong, I love to discover the origins of our world and delve into the complex but purely natural world of nature. To leave this all behind would leave my mind feeling empty and useless – abandoned in an illogical world where learning how to sell dishwashers effectively is the only concern.

At the same time I need to gain my freedom from the clasps of Surrey and to venture out into a world which I still have so much to learn about. So perhaps my leaving of school is something to look forward to? What I do know for certain is that my cooking skills will need to be vastly improved!