Teenagers I feel are often misrepresented widely within the media. They are seen upon as being those drug addicted, sex crazed immoral people that have little than a single brain cell. Of course you may get some teenagers which fit that description perfectly, I know of a few! However this Blog comes from a teenager that is the opposite of all those things. I’m not particularly a ‘party person’, in fact at most parties I’m the bloke sitting at the side drinking having deep philosophical discussions. I have never done drugs, only slightly sex crazed, but that’s more down to hormones and have a very good moral conscience. Really I am just a bloke leading a teenager’s life which I shall go into more depth in later articles.

The idea of starting this Blog was caused a few weeks ago whilst at college. Over the road from my college is a Londis which I use for my lunch far too often. On this particular day whilst walking back from Londis a large builder, in a sweat tainted white shirt aggressively started shouting at myself and the group of friends I was with. Complementary remarks such as “You lay abouts! When I was your age I was out working! Yeah, you are all going to be failures." These remarks didn’t bother any of us, apart from me.

I completely understand that some people are more academic than others and this builder probably left school and found a practical career more promising but what was his right to criticize us? Likewise there have been horrendous atrocities on the news with murders taking place committed by teenagers. David Cameron continuously talks about this ‘Gang Culture’ in Britain that must be stamped out. Several years ago hoodies were banned in many large shops such as Bluewater in a bid to tackle antisocial behaviour. My point behind all of these subjects is that teenagers are always at the centre. The word ‘teenager’ has so many negative connotations attached to it unnecessarily that society in general now seems to look down upon the future generation, the generation which is currently teenagers.

Obviously I am being fairly general with what I say so far. I’m sure everybody doesn’t believe teenagers are social immoral members of society. However this Blog is out to prove just that point. Not all teenagers are party animals; some are thinkers, sporting, technically minded.

We are the future generation and we will write history.