There’s only one thing I find harder than getting a date, and that’s getting a second date.

When I was younger I thought getting someone to even notice you was a distinct impossibility reserved for a select few.

Then I started drinking, wearing make-up and giving off ‘I put out easy’ vibes. Oh and putting out helped.

Now I’m quite good, I think, at getting in there the first time. I generally rely on the ‘I talk so much the only way you can shut-me up is snog me’ tactic.

But the second date is much harder to get. Firstly, I’ve used my best lines. Secondly it involves getting someone out for a drink rather than just getting them drunker.

One day I want the slogan - Once you’ve been hit by the Menhinnitor you never get up again - to be a fitting slogan. Yet instead what I seem to be hearing is - sure I’d love to meet up. But I’ll have to check my diary. Erm, my diary is in another dimension, and erm, well I’ll just grab it. Oh no I’ve been stolen by creatures evolved from gnats.

You get the picture.

How do you hook them the second time? Use the comment feature below to let me know.